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 Welcome to the SNAP-2 data entry portal.

SNAP-2 is the 2nd Sprint National Anaesthesia Project, and is also known as the Epidemiology of Critical Care provision after Surgery (EpiCCS). The project is managed by the National Institute of Academic Anaesthesia - Health Services Research Centre (NIAA-HSRC) in conjunction with the UCL/UCLH Surgical Outcomes Research Centre (SOuRCe).

SNAP-2: EpiCCS will describe the epidemiology of perioperative risk and outcome, and critical care referral and admission after inpatient surgery in the UK. It also aims to examine whether planned postoperative critical care admission is effective as an intervention to reduce postoperative morbidity.

For more information about the study including, please contact us at or visit the study website:

The database is now closed to new data uploads. Thank you for your contribution to the study!